Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You should see this

Saturday night, Fox News aired a political forum hosted by Rick Warren at his megachurch, Saddleback Church. He hosted both presidential candidates, separately. He asked them both the same questions and while Obama went first, John McCain was not listening. It was an amazing thing to watch and I hope this format will be repeated in the future. There was no bashing of either candidate. I think it truly showed what each candidate was about, and if there was someone watching that hadn't yet decided who they were voting for, I don't know what else they'd need to make the decision.

I tried to find a video or transcript, on the Fox News websited, but this is all I could find. Basically a synopsis of what was said. But as much as it pains me to link to CNN, they have the whole forum on their website. It's lengthy, but I hope you take the time to watch it. I haven't watched it on the CNN website, so I don't know what they've added at the end as far as spin (if they did), so keep that in mind.

1 comment:

KatieBug said...

We watched that yesterday and it was quite enlightening.