Thursday, January 29, 2009


Sweet Hubby saw the new neurologist today and we loved her. She was SO much better than the last guy. She's only a few years older than us, which was comforting and scary all at the same time. But she was fantastic. Believe it or not, we actually spent more time with her than we did waiting on her. We got there early, they got us back early, and we were out of there only 16 minutes past our appt time.

Anyway, she ordered some more blood work and wants to get some MRIs on his neck and spine. After she said that, it was like Sweet Hubby and I both looked at each other and said, "Duh." We wondered why we (or the 2 other doctors we've seen) hadn't thought of that. We'll excuse our family practice doctor from not thinking of it, but seriously, the other neurologist wanted to drug SH up and put him in wrist splints and a neck brace. But I'm not bitter.

She did put him on some new meds, so we'll try it to see if it helps with his symptoms. We're due back to see our family practice doctor on Tuesday and then we'll see the neurologist again in 2 weeks. Hopefully by then, we'll have some real answers.


Unknown said...

that sounds very encouraging!! this doctor seems so much better.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys found a great doctor. I hope you get some answers soon.