Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quick update

We saw the baby for the first time yesterday afternoon. Baby's strong and measuring exactly where he/she should be. Heart beat is great, too. I have another cyst, which I've always had at the beginning of each pregnancy and they always go away on their own. I'm praying this one does, too.

Today is officially our first day of school. So far, it's started out great. We're ahead of my tentative schedule and the kids are really excited about starting. Today, we'll just be easing in to all of our curriculum and our new schedule. I'm excited to see how it works for us. Zachary's got this nasty cough and is feeling pretty puny because of it and Marc-Adam woke up testy (and that's putting it nicely), so I'm hoping our day doesn't fall apart before we really even get started. Optimistic or stupid? I'll let you know at the end of the day.


Anonymous said...

I admire your optimism - I say go with it:)

And wonderful news on a healthy baby! I haven't been around reading lately so I'm just finding out. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I dream of being able to homeschool my kids. You go!